Our women's section offers softball and hardball teams and plays in the Liverpool and District Cricket Competition and the Lancashire Cricket Foundation 40 over and T20 competition.
We also have a growing girls' section playing both softball and hardball.
Get in touch to find out how to get involved

I’ve been involved in cricket development since I was 16, but in 2017 took a bit of a leap into a new career in Public Health, getting a job at LSTM. I moved into a flat round the corner from SPCC, and because of my interest in using sport for good got in touch with Mark Boyns to chat about the work Opening Up do on mental health in cricket. I’d been surprised at the shortage of clubs offering women’s cricket in Liverpool and as we got talking it was clear there was an opportunity to get something started. We agreed to get a softball festival on the go at the end of that summer, and the club then backed us by paying in advance for a hall for winter training. Things grew slowly over the winter as word got out through the SPCC community and then really started to thrive as we got outside and started to get games played.
I moved to Liverpool almost two years ago. I had lived overseas for a few years and had decided to take the plunge and return to uni at the grand age of 31 - I figured this city seemed like a cool place to do it. But making friends as an adult in your 30s is hard! Where to start? How do you meet new people? Well, I went online, like a lot of folks do these days, and I found out about a friendly little ladies cricket club that was keen for new members. I had never played cricket before; didn’t even understand the rules - back home in Ireland it was never something we were exposed to as kids. But it was the “no experience necessary” bit that made me think maybe I could give it a go?
So, I timidly showed up one evening shortly after, not knowing what to expect. I was met by the warmest bunch of ladies you ever could encounter, had an absolute ball, and vowed to come again. From day one I was encouraged and motivated to get involved, try my best, and most importantly: to have fun. And since then it has always felt like the most important outcome for any session or tournament, regardless of the score (or the weather!) is that everyone has had a good time. And the good times just keep on coming. I am very grateful to everyone I have met at the club for teaching me something new and welcoming me into the fold. Cheers!