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Tribute to Keith Spencer

Sefton Park Cricket Club

Sad news reached Sefton Park CC over the winter that former treasurer, friend and long time member of the club, Keith Spencer, had passed away suddenly, aged 65, in November last year.

Keith was a member of Sefton Park CC for over 15 years and served as club treasurer for four years, helping steer the club through some tough times.

Keith was an accountant by trade and worked mainly in the car industry. His last job was with Robins & Day on Edge Lane in Liverpool.

A keen sportsman in his younger days, Keith played for Lydiate CC in the Southport League and Woolworth's in the Liverpool Business Houses League. He also played rugby union for Liverpool St Helens and Mossley Hill.

Keith was also a keen member of the Standard Bearers quiz team in the Liverpool Quiz League.

Keith is pictured here enjoying his 60th birthday party at the club.

RIP Keith.



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